A good choice

By answering the following questions in few minutes you see which political party you side with.
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European Elections 2024


Which political party do I side with?

Even though many of us have firm opinions on various political matters, we are frequently unaware of which party represents our opinions the best.

What is "Vokskabin"?

Vokskabin is a scientific, non-partisan and impartial online voting aid application whose primary goal, particularly during election periods, is to advise citizens on issues which are socially most relevant and to help point out the differences between the positions of the political parties and our own opinions. This way, users can learn which party or parties lie closest to and farthest from their own set of views.

Who are behind it?

It was started at the joint initiative of Andrássy Egyetem in Budapest and netPOL (Network for Political Communication). Vokskabin's partner project www.politikkabine.at has enjoyed great success so far. There are similar voting aid sites in Germany and Switzerland too.

How does it work?

Via the Vokskabin online voting interface, visitors have the chance to respond to a set of 30 to 40 questions that change from time to time and are relevant in everyday life. It should be noted that vokskabin.hu does not register any personal data and guarantees full anonymity. Based on "yes" or "no" answers, users learn the degree to which their views match or differ from the views of the political parties, which is shown on the site once the set of questions has been completed. Vokskabin familiarises users with current political issues in a straightforward and playful fashion.

Initially, the Vokskabin editorial team, which is made up of political scientists, historians and students of the university referred to above, compiled a set of questions for the general elections that touched on four subject areas: economy, democracy, political culture and internal and external policies. A questionnaire was also prepared for the European parliamentary elections and local elections.

The current questionnaire

Based on the yes, no or don't know answers and the weighting of the statements, users can now find out about their own and the parties' positions on relevant political issues related to EU policies. The members of the Vokskabin 2024 team are: Eszter Dobrás, Balázs Farkas, Csongor, Körömi, Kristóf Molnár, Botond Nátkay Dávid Pelek, Anna Sommer, Andreas Stephan Straub, Dia Szászfai, Annkristin Teichert, Melani Barlai.

The implementation of the project was supported by generous funding from the German Federal Foreign Office (Auswärtiges Amt).

If you wish to support the work of Vokskabin, you can donate directly via bank transfer. We request you to state Vokskabin as purpose of payment.

Euro currency account: 10300002-50801163-26304889
IBAN: HU89 1030 0002 5080 1163 2630 4889

Project partners

Andrássy University

netPOL – Network for Political Communication

German Federal Foreign Office (Auswärtiges Amt)